Holy Week Drummer

by Pablo Lopez
Holy Week Drummer
Pablo Lopez
Photograph - Digital Image
A drummer girl during a Holy Week procession in Albacete, Spain.
The Holy Week is the week just before Easter. In the West, it is also the last week of Lent, and includes Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday), Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), Good Friday (Holy Friday), and Holy Saturday. It does not include Easter Sunday, which begins the season of Eastertide, although traditions observing the Easter Triduum may overlap or displace part of Holy Week or Easter itself within that additional liturgical period.
Albacete is a city and municipality in the Spanish autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, and capital of the province of Albacete. Albacete is the economic and judicial capital of Castilla-La Mancha, being home to the regional High Court of Justice. The writer, novelist, essayist and literary critic Azorin described the city of Albacete in a poem as "The New York of La Mancha".
The origins of the city are uncertain, with the earliest proof of settlement dating to the time of Al-Andalus, when the settlement was originally named Al-Basit meaning "The Flat" in the Arabic referring to the flat land around. The city increased in prominence in the early 20th century during the Spanish Civil War due its strategic importance as national headquarters of the International Brigades.
At present, Albacete is a modern capital with large areas for pedestrians and green areas. Further its flat area and the elimination of architectural barriers have also led it to be one of the most accessible cities across the country, with better quality of life and one of the safest.
March 27th, 2018