Hotel-de-Ville Carousel in Paris.

by Pablo Lopez
Hotel-de-Ville Carousel in Paris.
Pablo Lopez
Photograph - Digital Image
Visiting Paris with your young family and don’t know where to take your children?
You can still cut a deal with them, and tell them that after climbing the Eiffel Tower you will take them for a ride on one of the many carrousels in Paris.
French call their merry-go-rounds carrousels and you’ll find about twenty of them scattered all over the city, mostly next to the major tourist sites. Parisians are very fond of their carrousels.
The first carrousels appeared in France in the second half of the 19th century and soon became highly popular with the Parisians. The 1900’s are considered as the Golden Age of the carrousels, and modern ones look very similar to the original ones. Carrousels are very much part of the Parisians’ daily life.
The Place de l’Hôtel-de-Ville hosts one of the most popular old-fashion two-platform carrousels of the city where children can ride wooden horses and carriages. It is set up for each major annual event of celebration.
September 23rd, 2015