L'Hemisferic in Valencia

by Pablo Lopez
L'Hemisferic in Valencia
Pablo Lopez
Photograph - Digital Image
The Hemisferic, in the city of Valencia (Spain) is a unique and spectacular building, designed by Santiago Calatrava. It belongs to the City of Arts and Sciences complex.
It represents a great human eye: the eye of wisdom. It symbolises looking and observing the world, which visitors can explore through stunning audiovisual projections.
It has an ovoid roof more than 100 metres in length, and contains a great sphere that houses the projection room. A 24,000 square metre pond surrounds this structure, making the whole area one of amazing beauty.
The outer ring of the Hemisf�ric carries the name Carl Sagan, in homage to the great populariser of astronomy.
It has the largest screen room in Spain, housing two projection systems in a concave screen covering more than 900 square metres: an IMAX Dome large format cinema and digital projections: astronomy shows and entertainment performances.
December 14th, 2016