Waiting in this Spanish street

by Pablo Lopez
Waiting in this Spanish street
Pablo Lopez
Photograph - Photography
A girl waits patiently in the old part of Zaragoza (Spain). Zaragoza (or Saragossa) is the capital city of the Zaragoza province and of the community of Aragon, Spain. It lies by the Ebro river and its tributaries, the Huerva and the Gallego, roughly in the center of both Aragon and the Ebro basin. The city is famous for its folklore, local gastronomy, and landmarks such as the Basilica del Pilar, La Seo Cathedral and the Aljaferia Palace. Together with La Seo and the Aljaferia, several other buildings form part of the Mudejar Architecture of Aragon which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Fiestas del Pilar are among the most celebrated festivals in Spain.
April 19th, 2014